Sunday, March 20

Odds n Ends

Ahh... Shopping in southwest Michigan. Such a joy. Today, I saw several mullets and a permed femullet, complete with 80s bangs. I saw one of those the last time I was out. I kind of hope it's the same woman, that way there aren't two people with that 'do. But the real prize was the matching father and son rattails. I hope those were self-inflicted with a Flowbee or something. Because I'd hate to think that there's a barber in this area that would agree to that.

Did you know that it's damn near impossible to buy a non-high tech duffel bag these days? All I wanted was a nice big normal duffel bag. No wheels, no teflon pockets, no expanding to 6 times its normal size. I had to go to 5 stores before I found something simple. Thank god the sporting goods store had one or I was going to have to go to Wal-Mart. Who knows what hairstyles I'd have seen in there.

In other news, I think it's the first day of spring according to the calendar at any rate. Maybe it's tomorrow, but it's sometime soon. But you'd never guess it by the slop falling outside. I think it's been several weeks since I last saw the sun. If in like a lion, out like a lamb is true, that lamb better get a move on.

Off to Chicago. Again. No offense to the city of Chicago. Lovely place. But if I'd wanted to spend so much time there, I'd have moved there. Back late late Wednesday.

SOTD: U2, Sunday Bloody Sunday

Posted by blueostrich at 6:42 PM
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