Tuesday, March 15

15 Steps to a Less Hectic Life

I drove past a church this morning (OK, it's Marshall, I drove past a good half dozen churches this morning). But this particular church has one of those scrolling message signs out front. Usually it advertises what time the service is at or whatever. Today it said "Overachievers Support Group Thurs 7:30." I did not know there was a support group for such a thing. Quitting smoking? Sure. Alcoholism? Sure. Divorcees? Sure. Overachievers? No. First of all, what sort of overachieving did it take to actually start this support group? They couldn't just be unsatisfied with being an overachiever. They had to decide to do something about it. And then, it couldn't just be a personal mission. They had to spread the support across the entire community. Second of all, what do they do exactly? Sit around and one-up each other with how busy they are? (And wouldn't they be less busy if they weren't taking time for this support group?) Or maybe there is some sort of 12-step program. Or in the case of the overachievers, I bet it's a 15-step program..... I almost want to go. Just to see what goes on. But I'd have to miss The OC. And I'm unwilling to do that just so that I can mock the crazy folk.

SOTD: U2, Sometimes You Can't Make It On Your Own

Posted by blueostrich at 8:42 AM
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