Sunday, March 13

Give me an N! Give me an O!

Oy. So I haven't had a chance to blog about my love of team building. I got to do two whole days of it last week. I won't bore you with all the details. Just the culminating event. So after two days of jumping like a ninja, being tied to coworkers, building things with Legos, and learning to play nice, we were split into teams of three. We were given a toothpick and told we had to trade this toothpick up for something worth more and then trade that up, etc, etc, coming back with the highest value item we could get. So for example, we started with the toothpick, traded it for a Nutri-Grain bar, then traded that for a dollar, then traded that for a hat, and so on. It was so embarassing. The rule was you had to go to perfect strangers. On the streets of Chicago. In the snow. I've never had that many people think I'm a nut job in my life. And fine, I'll never see them again. But when my mom told me not to talk to strangers, I think this is what she had in mind. There are some wackos out there. And I'm pretty sure the population of Chicago thinks I'm one of them.

Posted by blueostrich at 7:31 PM
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