Tuesday, March 8


I killed a squirrel today. He met his untimely death beneath my car tire. I braked, I swerved, but to no avail. It really is a testament to looking both ways before you cross the street. A moment of silence please.

OK... moment over... Other than that, I had 8 meetings today. How are you supposed to do your actual job if all you do is sit in meetings discussing the work you should be doing? Not that I'm chomping at the bit to be at my desk working. But it's a better option than listening to some full-of-himself marketer talk because he likes the sound of his own voice. We get it, you can string a lot of important sounding words in a sentence and sting those sentences together into a manifesto. Good for you. Now go market something and leave me alone.

SOTD: Bright Eyes, Lover I Don't Have to Love

Posted by blueostrich at 7:59 PM
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