Wednesday, March 2


Well, I won't be flying American again. So my bag got lost. Which, I might add NEVER happened on all the flying I did on Delta. We had a tight connection in Miami since we were delayed (their fault) so the bags didn't make it on the plane even though we did. OK, that sucks but its a bunch of dirty laundry so who cares, I'm over it. The bag came at 8:30. Good enough. Or not......... At some point they sliced open the bag. Big ol' razor blade type slice. And stuff fell out. I'm missing all my toiletries and one left flip-flop. I'm pissed. I'll admit that it probably set off an alarm going through screening, since it did on the way out. Apparently body lotions with high levels of glycerin have similar chemical make-up to some types of bombs. Or something like that. (Nothing like smearing some explosives on your legs after your shower.) OK, so it beeped. That's why it has a zipper. Unzip the thing and root your paws around in there. Are zippers too complicated for the monkeys they have working in baggage? It wasn't even locked.... So the lady at American got a piece of my mind. They always thank you for choosing American since they know you have a choice of airlines. Yup, you do. And my choice will be somebody else. And I'm one of those nice profitable business customers that they like to have. I'm not Joe-Schmo-Travels-Once-Every-5-Years. Delta's looking better and better...

Although, in Delta related news, there's some pissy-ness there too today. I missed Gold Medallion status by 197 freaking miles and they didn't give it to me. I flew 49,803 miles last year. That's like around the world at the equator twice. How many times do you have to go around before you're a valued customer?

Northwest... Lots of business coming your way. Please don't screw it up. I still have naive faith in you.

Posted by blueostrich at 8:59 PM
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