Monday, March 7 |
Habits (But Not as in What Nuns Wear)
I realized this morning how much of a routine I have. And how other people have oddly intersecting habits. It's sort of scary.... It all starts at 6:38 when the alarm goes off. I leave the house around 7:15, at the same time the guy next door is leaving. We say hi. I pull out of the driveway and drive off, passing the same sullen looking kid smoking a cigarette. I get to the intersection by the high school at the same time as bus 104. I get on the freeway, and most days on the drive in I pass the white Grand Am with the license plate that says IZZI. And I get passed by the red Grand Am who seems to be going about 95. I get off the freeway and see the same person of inderterminate gender in the red jacket at the bus stop. I park in one of three spaces, next to the green F150 or the silver Camry. Does this seem ridiculously habitual to anyone else? And how do all these people -- smoking kid, driver of bus 104, IZZI, red jacket (wo)man -- all have habits that put them in the same places at the same time everyday? And it's not just the morning. I get to the pool at the same time as the kid in the tight black sweat-wicking shirt (I think he thinks he's a pro-weightlifter or something). As I get in the water, the old guy in the red trunks who swims at the pace of a snail is getting out. As I get out, the lady in the teal and purple flowered swimsuit with the skirt is getting her floating noodle thing. I'm thinking of changing it up a bit. I'm getting up at 6:43. I'm going to not say hi to the guy next door. I'm going to take a different route to the freeway. I might not even take the freeway. Maybe I'll park on a different level. It'll be craziness.... Song of the Day: The Album Leaf, Outer Banks
Posted by blueostrich at
7:21 PM
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