Wednesday, March 9


Following yesterday's squirrel incident, I think the small wildlife have it in for me. I left the house this morning and was hit by a very large, very strong whiff of skunk. Like make-your-eyes-burn skunk. It's horrible. I think I might actually stink. But it's hard to smell yourself. And I know my car stinks. When the dog used to get skunked, we'd give her a bath with tomato juice. I wonder if the carwash has a tomato juice option... I left the windows cracked so it can air out, but I dunno... It's not looking good. In addition to the skunking of my house, there was a large bird poo right on my windshield... So I think the animals are mad at me for killing the squirrel. Must have been a very popular squirrel.

Posted by blueostrich at 8:14 AM
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