Monday, March 14

Extreme Makeover: Corporate Sponsor Edition

I've been very disappointed lately in Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. I really liked it for a couple of months. It was all warm and fuzzy and they did nice things for nice people. But now it has just gone over the top. First, the corporate sponsorship is getting out of control. "Sure, Paige, I'll come help you with those Dell computers. Just as soon as I finish cleaning with my new Dyson vacuum." Big wink and smile. Ugh. And I think they might have wallpapered an entire room in their latest house with the logo of the little AOL guy.... And they also just can't do a house anymore. Last night they did a 5400 square foot house and an entire cancer ward of a hospital (courtesy of corporate sponsor Disney... do you think the general public knows that Disney and ABC are owned by the same company?) A couple weeks ago, they made some people two houses. And a super-deluxe tree house... And of course, you can't build two houses and a super-deluxe tree house in 7 days without the help of Miss Piggy/the Harlem Globe Trotters/Mr T/[insert irrelevant semi-celebrity here].... What was wrong with a good sweet story and an above averagely pretty house with maybe a pool or something and some appliances from Sears?

Posted by blueostrich at 10:02 AM
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