Wednesday, March 16

Center of Attention

As I peruse all the other blogs out there, it seems that my blogs are not pensive enough. I see all these people writing about feelings and love and life and war and all this big stuff. And I write about the Marshall Overachievers Club and people who name their babies Angus. I think I waxed philosophic once about time, but other than that, I pretty much stick to the inane... I mean, I'm sure people don't really care about my opinions on the check-writing habits of the Marshall-ians. But do they really care about other people's deep feelings either? Would I really want my deep feelings out on the internet? I realize there's sort of a cloak of anonymity on the internet... But I'm guessing the majority of people who read my blog know me, and I'm guessing that's the same for most... And do you really want everyone you know to know that you're feeling [fill in blank] today? And I find it interesting how [fill in blank] is never happy... Are bloggers EVER happy?

SOTD: Guster, Center of Attention

Posted by blueostrich at 4:50 PM
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