Thursday, June 16

The Father of My Children... Is Me?

The squishy-looking lady who takes the money in the parking garage told me Happy Father's Day today as I was leaving. Yes, I have fathered lots of children. That's what a uterus is for, no?

My sandal broke. At like 10am. I do not bring extra pairs of shoes to work on a regular basis. I had to walk around for the rest of the day with packing tape holding my shoe on. Being barefoot at work is frowned upon.

My neighbor woke me up mowing the lawn this morning. At like 6am. On a Thursday. I guess it was really urgent. You don't know how tall that grass would have been if he'd have left it till 6pm.

Those are the noteworthy incidents of the day, in backwards order.

Oh, and I managed to lose my blog from yesterday. I don't know what I did to it. But it was there and now it's not. Too bad for all of you. This happened between the lawn mowing and the shoe. It's out of order.

SOTD: Lifehouse, You and Me

Posted by blueostrich at 7:47 PM
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