Saturday, June 4

The Air-er of My Ways

Next time I move, you all are under strict orders to say the following: "Oh, you're getting a new place? That's nice. Does it have air conditioning?" If I reply yes, you are to say "Ah, good." If I reply no, you are to say "You moron, I forbid you from living there." Then you are to whomp me over the head with a cast iron frying pan....... It is 78 degrees. Inside. And despite strategically placed fans, I can't get anything that even resembles a cross-breeze. Why? Because none of my freaking windows open. I've spent a good portion of my day with my head placed in the freezer. I might have to move my bedroom to the basement. Sure, the walls and floor are dirt. Sure, spiders the size of frisbees breed down there. But it's cold. I'm doing laundry just so that I have an excuse to go down there every half hour..... Someone please tell me again why I can't just settle for living in a sterile yet air-conditioned new apartment instead of this charming yet sweltering hell?

UPDATE 5:02pm -- We have now reached an indoor temperature of a balmy 81 degrees.
UPDATE 5:45pm -- We have hit 82 degrees. And I'm finally going to suck it up and try out my little electric sucking window AC.
UPDATE 10:09pm -- The damn air conditioner doesn't work. It's brand new, but it seems to have a short. But no worries, we're back down to 78 degrees after peaking at 83. Feels almost cool in here.

SOTD: Nelly, Hot in Herre

Posted by blueostrich at 3:04 PM
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