Tuesday, May 31 |
Playing Catch Up
Went to the 'Nati for the long weekend. It was good times. The office is slow in getting going this morning. There should be more long weekends. Although, I guess time will go fast through June, July though. There's a short week this week, then next week I'm in San Diego for 4 days. Then I'm up north June 22, 23, 24 so I only have to work 2 days that week. Then there's a 3 day weekend for the 4th of July. Then I have another 3 day weekend right after that because my cousin is getting hitched in freaking Massachusetts and making the entire family spend a fortune to go out there for her wedding. (To anyone who may be scheduling a wedding requiring cousins that you do not ever see to take vacation time and spend $300 on travel plus money on gifts plus money attire to come to it -- it WILL make people bitter and resentful. And I don't think you should get gifts. My very expensive attendance should be enough for you. But anyways...) Then at the end of July is the trip with TJ's family to the beach for a week... After all that, being in the office for the entire month of August will be agony. Saw 18 cops on the way home from Cincinnati. This is a lot for a drive in which I normally see 0-1. I tried to go no more than 5 over the whole way back. This made me realize how much I speed. It was particularly hard in Indiana, where the speed limit is 55 in parts. 60 mph is just soooooooo sloooooooow. It was T's birthday on Sunday. I think I did good with his birthday presents. I've known what I was getting him for months, since Christmas pretty much. I had trouble keeping my mouth shut with the secret all the way till Sunday. I almost didn't make it. But hopefully he'll enjoy flying the friendly skies. And drinking beer. But not at the same time. Alright, this got longer than I intended, largely due to my rant on out of town weddings for cousins that you have seen 3 times in 5 years. And I'm sure there will be more to come on that as I get more bitter and resentful as I pay the extra $300 on my credit card bill for the flight and have to go buy something to wear that I will likely never wear again. So we'll save some of the raving on that for later. Look forward to it. SOTD: Smashing Pumpkins, Luna
Posted by blueostrich at
8:41 AM
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