Tuesday, May 31

Request and Dedication

...to my housemates, I do not enjoy taking out the trash. It's long past your turn. I'm not going to do it again until you do. I don't care if it piles up to the clouds.

...to the next door neighbor kids, give the incessent basketball playing a rest. Enough already.

...to the people at Discount Tire, you're so nice. Thank you for fixing my tire for free. (Yes, another flat tire. 2 in 2 months. Hopefully we don't go 4 for 4.)

...to the critters outside, thank you for sparing my peas. You ate the beans, the tomato and green pepper plant. But at least I've got my peas. I really was only doing the garden for the peas.

...to the critters outside (part 2), if you eat my peas I will hunt you down and do unto you physical harm. Remember that squirrel I ran over a while back? Think of that as a lesson.

...to the Backstreet Boys, a comeback is not necessary. I know you have a new single out, but seriously, no one missed you.

...to the creator of tacos, you are my hero. Love the tacos.

Posted by blueostrich at 8:17 PM
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