Saturday, September 10

In Search of a Stegosaurus

So I have this hit counter on my blog, and every so often I go look at it. To see how popular I am (not). So on it, you can see if you're getting hits via search engines. I get quite a handful via Yahoo it turns out. And then you can also see what people are "querying" (what a fun word) when they get you. It turns out I have not one, not two, not three, but FOUR hits from people searching "teradactyl sightings." Huh? Who are these people that are looking for such a thing? What exactly are you hoping will turn up? And I know that I said at some point that a blue heron looked like a teradactyl. But seriously... People are scouring the internet to see if, what, dinosaurs still roam the planet? Hmmm... Maybe a few million years too late? ......I wonder if people also search "a glimpse of a brontosaurus" or "I spied a triceratops."

SOTD: Green Day, When September Ends

Posted by blueostrich at 8:46 PM
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