Thursday, September 8


I think there should be a law forbidding all commercials with alarm clock noises in them. It's such a terrible terrible noise. And there is a shocking number of commercials with this noise. The only one I can remember right now is the one for Nikes at Lady Footlocker, but there are others out there. I think there's one for a sleep drug that has an alarm in it. Yeah, brilliant. Wake up the people who can't sleep. But anyways, how do ad peoples think that that's going to sell stuff? It's among the most dreaded noises in the world. Right up there with fingernails on the chalkboard, screaming babies, and car crashes. So in protest, I will not be buying Nikes at Footlocker. Or any other product advertised with an alarm clock ad. Come to think of it, I live in the sticks, so we don't even have a Footlocker. But if we did....

The OC is on in 5 minutes!

Posted by blueostrich at 7:55 PM
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