Wednesday, July 6

Lying in Wait

Been kinda cranky lately. And now I have to leave for that wedding tomorrow. Which means I have to get on a plane again. Really, if I ever get on a plane again, that's too soon. So tired of flying. The packing, the unpacking, the lines, the sea of identical luggage, the crowds, the tray tables and seatbacks in their locked position.... And the waiting... Ugh, the waiting. Wait for the parking shuttle, wait in security, wait to board, wait to take off, wait to land, wait to get off the plane, wait for luggage, wait for the rental car shuttle, wait for..... Patience is not one of my virtures. Do good things come to those who wait? Because if that's the case, I'm due... But, I think I go two straight weeks after this trip before I have to fly again. Lucky me. I think it's safe to say that a career as a flight attendant is not in my future.

Talk at you all when I'm $542.74 poorer. But one married cousin richer (how thrilling!). Enjoy your weekend for me.

SOTD: Jude, Charlie Says

Posted by blueostrich at 8:24 PM
Something to say?

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