Sunday, July 3

Wedded Bliss

Plane ticket to Rhode Island: $290.94
1/2 tank of gas to get to/from the airport: $22.00
3 days parking at the airport: $18.00
Something to wear that I'll never wear again: $86.80
My share of the hotel: $80.00

TOTAL to attend this wedding: $467.74

And she wants a present?!?!?!

I'm all for love and till death do us part and all that. But I've never even met the groom. And I've seen the bride, what, like three times in five years? If that... Yet I'm shelling over $500 bucks to see their blessed union. In Rhode Island of all places. This sucks. Especially since this I have no intentions of dragging her across the country for my wedding. I have no intentions of even inviting her. But I expect a damn good present now anyways. Even if that is poor etiquette... I think I could get something rather nice from the lovely couple for $500 when my time comes.

And they damn well never get divorced. Because I'm not flying to Rhode Island for a second wedding.

SOTD: Howie Day, Ghost Mix 6

Posted by blueostrich at 3:04 AM
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