Friday, May 6

Down Periscope

As I said in my post yesterday, my alarm clock decided to call it quits. So I went to Kmart. Did you know that Kmart alone carries like 25 alarm clocks to choose from? Anyways, per my other previous post, I'm blind. So I decided to get an alarm clock with big numbers. They're like 2 inches tall. Good deal, I'm thinking. So I get it all set and turn off the light and cozy down into bed. I open my eyes as I'm getting comfortable... And I'm in a submarine. The boat, not the sandwich. The whole room has a red glow. The 2 inch tall red numbers are so bright that the entire room looks like either a submarine or a darkroom. Too bad I don't even own a film camera anymore. I could develop my own pictures. I don't know how I feel about this. I like it dark. Oh well, there are 24 more models of alarm clock to choose from at the Kmart.

Posted by blueostrich at 8:08 AM
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