Tuesday, May 3

Spare Change

Locked my keys in my car today. I am a genius. I stopped downtown to get something for my mom for Mother's Day and got distracted by looking for pennies to put in the meter. I had quarters all over the place, but the Marshall meters don't take quarters. Pennies, nickels, and dimes only. One penny, 6 minutes. 10 cents an hour. How are those meters profitable? Is it worth it to pay someone to empty them? But anyways, I got all flustered because I had no pennies and the meter lady was across the street with her little blue parking police car and I locked my keys in. Oops. But it's Marshall. It isn't that big. I scrounged up three pennies (18 minutes, just enought to get me to 6pm) then I walked home, got the spare house key out from under the flower pot, and let myself in to get the spare car key. Then I walked back. There's something to be said for small towns. Of course, it was the small town non-quarter taking meters that got me in trouble in the first place, but oh well.

SOTD: Richard Ashcroft, You on my Mind

Posted by blueostrich at 7:41 PM
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