Friday, April 22

I'm Not Lovin' It

The current Old Navy commercial, the one with the "rap" about tunics, makes me never want to buy Old Navy again. I find that I have to (absolutely must) shut the TV off whenever it comes on. The first horrid bars of that song, ugh. I can't even just change the channel. It's not fast enough. TV must go off for a full 30 seconds. Only then will it be safe to turn on again. I also feel this way about any commercial starring Carrot Top, anything for a drug that can cause an erection that lasts longer than 4 hours, and the current McDonald's I'm Lovin' It crap. I'm actually sure there are more. But those are the ones I can think of right now. So they must be the worst of the bad. Unless you have others in mind....?

Posted by blueostrich at 12:38 PM
Something to say?

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