Monday, April 18

A Visit from the Stork (or FedEx)

This is my new baby. She should arrive via FedEx in 3-5 business days. I'm excited about her. Zoooooooom!

And just an aside... for those of you who read this blog who think I'm a spoiled brat (you know who you are), I know you're wondering -- no, I did not pay the $399.99 suggested retail for her. And even if I did... Is it really being spoiled if you work hard for that money? (OK, maybe not "hard"... But I work for that money, in any case.) So quit muttering to yourself about the injustices of it all. If I'm a bad person for indulging myself in this, karma will come back and bite me in the ass later. So you just stop worrying about it. It's out of your hands.

SOTD: Tracy Chapman, Fast Car

Posted by blueostrich at 10:51 PM
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