Monday, February 14

A Disgusting Dilemma

So the water in Marshall isn't that great. It's rusty and smells pretty bad and every so often the pipes spit out a bunch of dirt in addition to water. It's lovely really. So last night the water decided to spit out the dirt onto my toothbrush. It was disgusting. And left me with a rather undesirable dilemma. I certainly didn't want to use that toothbrush, but it was late and freezing rain and I didn't want to drive out to get another one. So what do you do? I figure I had three options. A) Rinse off the dirt toothbrush the best I could, B) Not brush, or C) Use TJ's toothbrush. There are things wrong with all of those. I've already described how disgusting the water is on a regular basis, so I had very little faith in its ability to clean the dirt off my toothbrush. Not brushing would be sort of repulsive for those I work with in the morning, and I had had Oreo pie and had Oreos all crusted into my teeth. And it's not that I don't love TJ. But while I believe in sharing with the one you love, there are some things that you just don't share... So what do you do? Is it filthy option A, icky option B, or gross option C? ...................Actually, it's secret option D. Use your travel toothbrush. TJ is so smart. (It was his brilliant idea.) I knew I kept him for some reason.

Happy Valentines Day all. I have on Valentines Day socks in celebration.

Posted by blueostrich at 8:24 AM
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