Wednesday, February 9

The Blue Screen of Death

I think I need to call the Helpless Desk. My computer is giving the Blue Screen of Death. Something about "beginning physical dump of memory" whenever I log on to the network. I don't know what that means, but I don't think it's good.

In other news, the book I'm reading is really bizarre. The back made it sound like a cute little love story about a woman falling for her fine arts professor. Turns out that the fine arts professor thinks he is really a woman trapped in a man's body and undergoes a gender change operation. But the woman is in love and has to figure out if she's ok that her boyfriend is now her girlfriend. Perhaps an interesting concept for something on the Discovery Health Channel, I've watched shows on gender dysphoria before. Sort of interesting. But I just wanted a cute story about a woman falling for her non-gender-confused professor to read on the plane.

SOTD: As yet undetermined. But I'll have plenty of time in the airport later to figure it out. Since I'm probably not going to be reading my book.

Posted by blueostrich at 9:48 AM
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