Friday, February 11

Nothing Too Interesting

Thank god it's Friday. It's just been a really long week. Nothing too interesting... My Jeep is getting really bad gas mileage for some reason that I can't figure out... I haven't done dishes in a week and the situation is starting to get ugly... Apparently The OC is counting on lesbians to be a February Sweeps ratings hit... I do not want to take the red eye back from San Francisco... I'm hoping the TJ can hook my iPod up directly through the stereo in the Jeep this weekend. Without breaking my car... I hate when people leave voicemails. Then the little red light goes on and I really dislike the little red light... I missed the Newlyweds with Nick and Jessica this week and I'm actually sort of upset by it. Not upset, but I wish I'd seen it... I gave my boss the flu... I do not want to go to the pool tonight... I need to water my plants... I have to run to Target after work. I love Target.. I don't think my Valentine's Day cards are going to make it to people in time. Sorry people... TJ is coming this weekend :o)... My feet have been cold a lot lately, I think I'm getting old. Old people always have cold feet... And that's it. Nothing too interesting...

SOTD: Smashing Pumpkins, Beautiful

Posted by blueostrich at 9:01 AM
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