Wednesday, August 30

Won't You Be My Neighbor?

My basement leaks. Just to add to the fun. But I'm in denial. If I don't go down there, it's not leaking..... Only two days to vacation. I thought vacation was going to come at a bad time. I was just going to have been in the house, I was going to want to be nesting. But really, it can't come at a better time. I need a vacation from the damn house.

My next door neighbor is a little creepy. And more than a little weird. Today he road his lawn mower around in a sweatshirt with the hood up and sunglasses. He looked like the Unabomber. Whenever he does any lawn work, he puts out orange traffic cones on the border between our yards. Which is mostly treed, but for that open 20 feet, he needs to make sure he doesn't mow or fertilize a single blade of my grass. This is probably for the best. His lawn looks like crap. Mine looks like a jungle.

My across the street neighbor cracks me up. She's this little 65 or 70 year old lady. She's lived there for 45 years. She remembers back in the day when our road was dirt and when it snowed up to her eyeballs. She knows all the gossip. Today I found out that the farmer down the road went into debt buying his latest combine. (It might not have been a combine. That's the only piece of farm equipment I know other than a tractor. So to me, all farm equipment is a combine. What does a combine do anyways?) I swear she watches for me to come home so that we can meet and chat at the mailboxes. She gave me tomatoes and corn and peppers today. She's going to keep an eye on the house for me while I'm on vacation. She's got my cell number if the roof caves in or something. Other than that, I don't want to know about it. I like denial better.

Posted by blueostrich at 9:47 PM
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