Sunday, August 27

Go For Broke

I'll admit, I'm not sure that I'm wild about being a homeowner. Thus far, I wouldn't say things are going resoundingly well. I think I may just prefer it that other people fix it when it breaks... (Which really, they do.... "they" being TJ.) In a mere one week, I have had issues with the following:
  • Wasps. They decided to live behind a light fixture and dive bomb me upon household re-entry.
  • The closet. The nice little Rubbermaid closet organizer system was no match for the weight of my clothes (although in my defense, it was probably only 2/3 full). So the whole darn thing pulled out of the wall because the idiots who installed it somehow were not familiar with the concept of studs.
  • A leaky garage. Thankfully, it has been determined that it is not a problem with the roof. But I still need to wade to the car after rain.
  • Cheap lightbulbs. Apparently they went bargain basement on those or didn't understand the concept of screwing (that came out wrong.... they did have two kids.....). But light bulbs are literally just falling out of their sockets. If you come to my house, wear shoes.
  • The dryer. It stopped working. While I had wet clothes. I still have wet clothes. I need to go to TJ's to dry them. Does anyone have any quarters?
  • Cash flow. As in it's flowing out, but not flowing in........ Seriously, does anyone have any quarters?

I've decided broke is an interesting word. All my stuff's broke, and I'm broke too. Interesting how those two seem to go together.

Posted by blueostrich at 4:28 PM
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