Continuing what will be a theme of this summer (other than the fact that there is not one acceptable house to buy in all of Kalamazoo county).... I hate summer.... I hate heat.... If I was an animal, I'd be a polar bear. Or a penguin. And not one of those pseudo-penguins that live in Hawaii.... So it reached a toasty 86 degrees in here yesterday before TJ was kind enough to install my A/Cs. But they don't reach the bathroom. So, yes, that means another nice sweaty shower in my ventilation free bathroom. I actually think it's against code to not have at least a window that opens in a bathroom. I've brought this up to my slumlords. They don't seem to care. But anyways, nothing like sweating before you've even gotten dressed in the morning. But I have no choice. It's me and the steamroom for the summer. So I spend my time in the sauna (by calling it things like a steamroom or a sauna, I'm hoping to convince myself it's doing something good for me like opening my pores; not that I have problems with my pores; I have cute pores; but if I did have problem pores, this would certainly open them).... So I spend my time in the sauna this morning and mercifully finish up and head downstairs. As I descend the stairs, I can feel the blessedly cool air as I reach the lower level. I paused for a moment and just reveled in it. Damn the heat for rising. OK, moment over. I press on with morning preparations. Which basically entails grabbing a yogurt from the fridge. In doing so, I passed the thermostat. I glance at it, to see what the temperature has plummeted to overnight..... It was still
82 degrees downstairs. In the house. At 7am. In Michigan. In May. And I thought that 82 degrees felt luscious. Blessedly cool. How freaking hot was it upstairs? In whose world is 82 degrees inside acceptable? And I seriously have another whole summer of this? It's not even June! I really do think penguins have it good. Where's an iceberg or two when a girl needs one? And why can't there be any acceptable houses in the entire county?
Posted by blueostrich at
9:48 PM
Something to say?