Monday, March 27

Gas Mask

This is disgusting, but I'm going to share it with you anyways. The guy who sets next to me in cube-land at the office has gas. Really bad. Really bad. And I know that everyone gets it, and sometimes you just can't help it. But this is all the time. Every hour of every day of every week. I literally just had to get up from my desk and leave to let the air clear for the fourth time today. It's revolting. I bought an air freshener last week, but it is no match for Mr Gas. Now it just smells like he farted among a spring breeze. Ugh. I mean, he must know he has an issue. Can't he go to the doctor? Or get some Bean-o? Or at the very least, sense it coming and go somewhere where private? Ugh. Ugh. Ugh. Why me?

In other news, TJ lives here now! He moved in this weekend. He's all unpacked and decorated and everything. So I'm in full-on house hunting mode. I've seen some real winners. Yesterday, I went to some open houses. In one, they had paved the entire yard to allow for their 25'X45' circa 1980 above ground pool. In another, they had paneled the entire house with that cheap, dark brown paneling. Coupled with the florescent lights, yellow countertops and an avocado stove, it was a thoroughly depressing place. I've also seen a house where the next-door neighbors owned two rusting school buses, a house in which they had replaced all the grass in the backyard with gravel, and the ugliest house I'd ever seen. Think old barn meets early-century Switzerland meets a can of orange paint. That actually doesn't sound terrible (although it doesn't sound that great either). But this house is ugly. Trust me. So the search continues. There is one prospect. But I'm not telling you about it so as not to jinx it.

I'm off. I'll be back when something else interesting happens. Cheerio.

Posted by blueostrich at 1:59 PM
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