Wednesday, February 1

My House is Haunted, Part 2

So I think I blogged a while back about my ghost. The toilet paper was unrolled out the bathroom and down the hall...? Sounding familiar? People kept telling me, it's a mouse, it's a mouse. Well, it wasn't a log-rolling mouse. It was a ghost. I have another sighting. Last night at like 3:30, my TV just turned itself on. It was off, and then it wasn't. I figured I was somehow just sleeping with the remote and I must have rolled on it. So I tore the bed apart looking for it. But it wasn't in bed with me. It was 8 feet away on the dresser. Um, spooky? What does this ghost want? Why is it doing this? Did I do something to anger it? Or was it just bored and wanted to watch some infomercials?

Posted by blueostrich at 11:02 AM
Something to say?

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