Friday, January 6

E.T. Phone Home

I saw two unusual things today. Things you just don't see very often.

First, a flying saucer. On the way home from work, there was a bright light with a greenish halo hovering in the sky. I mean, maybe it was a weather balloon but I think the more likely explanation is a UFO.

And second, even more rare than aliens visiting our planet..... someone actually on a payphone. Think about it. When was the last time you even saw a payphone? Much less someone talking on one. The payphone talker. A dying breed.

So clearly, strange things are happening today. I'm waiting to see a unicorn walking down the street.

And just something completely unrelated.... Hillary Duff has an absolutely enormous head. She's like a real life bobble head. I think it's always been large, but now she weighs like 80 lbs so it looks absolutely gigantic. And what's with her teeth?

Posted by blueostrich at 7:14 PM
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