Thursday, April 13

On Girl Scouts and Real Estate Agents

Did you know the Girl Scouts are charging $3.50 for a box of cookies these days? Three-fifty! Who do they think they are? You get like 16 measly cookies. It's outrageous. And the Keebler Elves are making a new cookie, Fudge Shoppe Mint Creme Filled Cookies. It's like a Thin Mint. But better. Think Thin Mint meets York Peppermint Pattie. It's to die for. So take that, Girl Scouts.

I'm going to try to start blogging again. Expect many entries on the house hunt. Oh, and in case anyone in the greater Kalamazoo area is looking for a house. "Team Clancy" of Prudential Preffered Realty sucks. Don't sell your house through them. Don't buy a house from them. I'd like to start my own little movement to put them out of business. And not only are they worthless idiots, they have a really ridiculous name.

Posted by blueostrich at 9:35 AM
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