Saturday, October 1

Pleased as Punch

I just wanted to express my glee at my handiwork below. (You can click for a bigger version if you are so inclined.) It's a present for TJ, which he now knows about, obviously. But I couldn't hide my self-satisfaction for the 8-10 days until it comes in, and who knows how much longer until he gets it.

The idea is to print it out poster size. I got the idea from TJ, who got the idea from here. Mr Mike there made this sound like super easy. Let me let you in on a little secret -- not so much. Several hours and much much cursing later..... But PhotoShop and I are much more intimately acquainted now.

It's all pics from trips TJ and I have taken together. Awww, just isn't that so precious?

SOTD: DMB, Proudest Monkey

Posted by blueostrich at 10:07 PM
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