Friday, April 1

Big Mac & A Diet Coke Please

Went to the Family Video up the road. The place where you can rent a new release for 5 days for $2 (chalk up points for living in the sticks). They apologized since they only had the movie I wanted in DVD. Damn it, I was really hoping to keep up with the times and rent it on VHS. Rented Supersize Me. Really wishing I hadn't had Wendy's for dinner. Feeling kind of gross now. Tomorrow, I will subsist on only lettuce and water. And will swim for like 6 hours...... Or, I'll sleep till noon, eat some Pop-Tarts for breakfast, laze around on the couch and down Coke by the 2 liter. Either, or.

Posted by blueostrich at 10:09 PM
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