Wednesday, March 30

Look Ma, No Cavities!

I went to the dentist today. It had been a while. The dentist office was really cute. I liked the sign. That's why I picked it. (Don't tell me you picked your dentist for some reason other than the cute little sign.) But the hygienist lady was mean. First, she gouged me with her little pickax, and then was surprised that it made me bleed. Yeah, well, let me stab a sharp object at you and we'll see what happens. Then she left me in the middle of my cleaning with gunk all over my teeth so that she could go get a cup of coffee. That was just rude. And she was also one of those dental people who yacks and yacks at you, asking you questions and stuff. How exactly am I supposed to hold a conversation? Best I can say is "nngmmmmpppphya" since my mouth is wide open and your hands are in it. So I didn't like her very much. But I'll give the office another try. I liked the sign.

SOTD: Barenaked Ladies, Go Home

Posted by blueostrich at 4:16 PM
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