Friday, April 1

Feel the Burn

So I haven't used Listerine lately. I don't use mouthwash that much, and when I do, I have used Scope. (I worked at P&G. It was free.) But I got a free sample of Listerine at the dentist and decided to give it a try. Oh. My. God. That stuff burns. Bad. Why, why would you ever want to voluntarily do that to yourself? The flavor was like Winter Mint or something, but there was nothing "wintery" about it. It's like fire mint or roasting-in-the-Sahara-Desert-in-the-middle-of-summer mint. Why do people buy it? Do they just not know? Do they get some sort of sick enjoyment from the torture? You know what? The mean hygienist lady gave it to me. The one who stabbed me. I think she just has it in for me. I don't think I like her very much.

SOTD: Damien Rice, Cannonball

Posted by blueostrich at 8:58 AM
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