Sunday, April 3

All in Favor, Say Aye

I have an idea. I think it should be daylight savings time all the time. (Which is not a new idea.) What I have is a new way of looking at it (new to me anyways). It's already up to the states whether they want to participate in daylight savings time. Some states (Indiana, Arizona) choose not to participate. So I think it should also be up to the states whether or not they want to participate in standard time. Don't want to participate? Stay "sprung forward" all year. Want to participate? Then go ahead and fall back. Because if left to the people, say in a state vote or something, who really wants to fall back for any reason other than that extra hour of sleep? Who really wants it to get dark at 4:30? Stay on daylight savings time and it doesn't get dark til 5:30. And that's plenty early enough. And yeah, yeah, I know it'd be darker in the mornings. But I'm not really awake then anyways, so who cares. I think I'm onto something. I should write my congressman.

SOTD: Matt Nathanson, Answering Machine

Posted by blueostrich at 1:30 PM
Something to say?

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