Thursday, February 17

The Space-Time Continuum

Time is a funny thing. It's already Thursday. But the days leading up to Thursday have gone so mind-bogglingly slow so how is it already Thursday? It's like individual days go so slow, but weeks and months go fast. I don't get how that works. It's already mid-February. Wasn't it just Christmas? I think time has been getting increasingly faster since I was in 6th grade. 6th grade was agonizingly slow. I might have actually been in 6th grade for 3 or 4 years in fact. But ever since, time is quite speedy. And getting faster. I swear I just graduated from college. And did you know that I've had my driver's license for 9 years? And 1992... how does that not seem like it was that long ago? 1991, long time ago. 1992, what, it was like 5 or 6 years ago? No, 13. Alright, that is all the deep thinking I have on time for the day.

SOTD: Patrick Park, Something Pretty

Posted by blueostrich at 10:47 AM
Something to say?

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