Thursday, February 17

I do believe, I do believe, I do, I do

Just a couple of work-related notes.

First, if you work in a place that makes cookies and crackers, the place that they make those cookies and crackers is a bakery. Not a factory. And certainly not a plant. Ernie and his elves and their magic oven would never ever ever be found in a factory. Don't make the mistake of calling it anything other than a bakery unless you want people to think you don't believe in elves.

Second, a bra is appropriate work attire. This is a note to the woman in the yellow, green, and brown striped silk shirt whose breasts were rather, um, free today. Please support those girls. And while we're at it, that's a really ugly shirt.

That's all.

Posted by blueostrich at 12:17 PM
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