Sunday, August 7

The Even Newer Food Pyramid

A nutritionist would probably be appalled at what I've eaten today.

Breakfast: 4 slices bacon and a couple of scrambled eggs (protein anyone?)
Lunch: 1 large Dairy Queen Oreo Blizzard and some Swedish Fish
Snack: Cheetos

Dinner... Hmmm... What should I have for dinner. I kind of want Chinese food. But something tells me maybe I should have a salad or something with some nutritional value. But hey, the Chinese has pea pods in it. That's a vegetable. Or it was at one point. That should count. And Cheetos, cheese. Blizzard, milk. Swedish Fish, high fructose corn syrup. See? Corn. What am I talking about, I've totally eaten healthy.... I'm starting to sound like some of the ladies in my focus groups for work. Did you know that if you give your kids french fries with ketchup, that's 2 vegetables? Potatoes and tomatoes. So, see, I'm not so bad yet.

Posted by blueostrich at 6:23 PM
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