Monday, August 1

By the Numbers

  • 1 --> the number of days I was fairly drunk before noon
  • 2 --> the number of times that we ate the truly spectacular food from Uncle Joe's BBQ
  • 3 --> the number of sea urchin spines currently embedded in my big toe
  • 4 --> the number of pink frozen drinks it took to get me fairly drunk before noon
  • 5 --> the number of rooms in the house that leaked when it rained
  • 6 --> the number of free rum punches we secured via drive-thru at the happy hour hot spot
  • 14 --> the number of dollars it cost to buy 4 rolls of Charmin and a half gallon of ice cream at the local grocery store
  • 18 --> the number of bug bites on my right arm
  • 44 --> the number of days (counting today) till my next vacation (hehe, this is what happens when you take almost no vacation for the first 7 months of the year)
  • 76 --> the number of pictures I took
  • 105 --> the number of minutes I spent in an un-airconditioned plane sitting on a runway in St Thomas
  • 180 --> the number of emails I had at work this morning (significantly down from the 1600 I had once after I got back from a week of vacation at Procter)
  • 2,002 --> the number of pages I read on the trip
  • 35 million --> the number of times someone asked "Where do you want to go to dinner tonight?", often starting sometime around breakfast
It was a good trip. I'll post some pics later tonight. If you're lucky. :o)

Posted by blueostrich at 6:38 PM
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