Wednesday, July 20

What About "You Suck"?

LONDON (Reuters) - The word "fail" should be banned from use in British classrooms and replaced with the phrase "deferred success" to avoid demoralizing pupils, a group of teachers has proposed. Members of the Professional Association of Teachers (PAT) argue that telling pupils they have failed can put them off learning for life. A spokesman for the group said it wanted to avoid labeling children. "We recognize that children do not necessarily achieve success first time," he said.

I'm not making this up. The whole article is here, but you've got the most of it.

Kids, if you're reading this, I have news for you. You're not all winners. Some of you are losers. Some of you will always flunk math or come in last or just really be horrible at guitar. And, really, it's OK. It builds character. And chances are, you'll turn out just fine. Of course, some of you will also be really screwed up as adults too. But that's a diffent story. But maybe that's just "deferred life success."

Oh, and in completely unrelated news, I have a heat rash. I didn't know it was possible to get heat rash over the age of 2. But, according to my dermatologist, apparently it is. Lucky me.

SOTD: BNL, Break Your Heart

Posted by blueostrich at 8:29 PM
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