Saturday, November 17

Take Two

It's been like a year.... But I'm going to start blogging again.... Just as soon as I think of something to say.







Posted by blueostrich at 7:48 AM
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Wednesday, January 3

Gone, But Not Forgotten

RIP<-- Click that, it's a link

Posted by blueostrich at 9:07 PM
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Tuesday, December 19

Beware of Dog

Gus has become quite the guard dog lately. He's really saved me a couple times from all sorts of dangers.... The ice maker dumped a load of ice into the freezer. Much barking ensued. The microwave popped popcorn. Growls followed. The garbage disposal ground up some sink gunk. His hackles went up.... I feel so safe now. If my house gets robbed by a ShopVac or perhaps a dishwasher, I'm in good shape.

(Looks threatening, doesn't he?)

Posted by blueostrich at 7:22 PM
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Sunday, December 10

Do You Hear The Voices?

I've decided that really owning a dog just gives me an excuse to talk to myself. We have entire conversations. And by we, I mean that I talk to him, usually in weird voices, while he stares at me.

The dog has also managed to accumulate quite the list of nicknames in a short time... Gus, Gus Gus, Guster, Gusserson, Gustav, Gussy, Gus the Bus. He doesn't really respond to any of those. Unless he feels like it. And if, by chance, he feels like responding, he'll also respond to Fritz, Johan, or Shithead.

Posted by blueostrich at 9:25 PM
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Thursday, November 30

Shakira Shakira

Do you think Gus has an oral fixation?

Posted by blueostrich at 8:47 PM
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Sunday, November 26

Git 'er Done

Do you ever have those days where you feel amazingly, super-humanly productive? Like you could do just about anything, and still have some time left over? Today was one of those days. It was fabulous. Since 9:30 this morning, I have....
  • gone to Meijer for spackle, a gallon of milk, and a Nylabone
  • prepped the mud room for paint (people who caulk their mouldings to the walls are idiots, just in case you were wondering)
  • watched last week's "Top Chef" (does anyone else think that Marcel guy is creepy weird?)
  • put a load of towels in the wash
  • put a coat of "mustard yellow" paint up in the mud room (it's a nicer looking color than it sounds, sort of a warm, goldy shade)
  • figured out how to get Christmas lights up on the roof overhang that I can't reach (it ended up involving a step ladder, gutter hooks, a good deal of acrobatics, and one nasty bruise on my shin)
  • put the Christmas lights up (while wearing shorts.... there was something just a little weird about that)
  • figured out how to rig the Christmas lights to a switch so that I don't have to go outside and unplug them (because I'm lazy)
  • moved the load of towels to the dryer
  • cleaned (no, scoured) the kitchen
  • took the dog for a nice long walk (we've established that I am boss, he didn't even try to eat the dead racoon on the side of the road this time)
  • put a second coat of mustard yellow paint up in the mud room (it possibly needs a third, this is what I get for buying cheap paint)
  • made cupcakes for no reason (white cake, white frosting, cute little colored sprinkles)
  • took the load of towels out of the dryer (finally)
So a productive day. I'm going to sleep good tonight.....

Posted by blueostrich at 9:35 PM
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Friday, November 17

Gus Gus

Meet Gus. He chases his tail for a half hour straight and eats rocks. He's my new dog.

Posted by blueostrich at 6:03 PM
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Wednesday, November 8


A chipmunk (or a mouse, but I prefer to think of it as a chipmunk) has taken up residency in my car's air filter. He built himself a little nest in there, with chunks of air filter, some feathers, leaves, grass. It was nice and warm and cozy there in the engine compared to the cold cold garage. But he has recently been evicted. And I recently started getting better gas mileage.

I jammed a nail through my nail. I will spare you the gory details, but suffice to say, it hurt. And now I have a hole in my fingernail and I need a tetanus shot.

I went to New Jersey. Thankfully, I was only there for less than 24 hours. Or it was supposed to be less than 24 hours, but Northwest screwed up and I got the honor of sitting in the Newark airport for what felt like 5 days (but was really like 6 hours). Lovely place, Newark. Or something.

Other than that, I've been hand cleaning 150 square feet of tile. Twice. I've taken the concept of dishwater hands to a whole new level. And that's pretty much what I've been doing since I last blogged... And probably is what I'll be doing till I blog again.

Posted by blueostrich at 9:59 PM
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Tuesday, October 24

Poor Baby

The following was overheard on a San Diego news broadcast this morning....
"The weather outside this morning... Well, it's raining... I know, I know.... But I can explain!"

You mean the weather lady had to say something other than "Today, it'll be sunny and 70"? She's not trained for this kind of thing! Don't make her explain!

Posted by blueostrich at 9:33 AM
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Monday, October 23


I saw a pelican today. I bet you didn't see a pelican today.

I am not in Michigan.

Posted by blueostrich at 9:31 PM
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Monday, October 16


I've been doing some redecorating. What do you think?

....A bathroom remodel....

....A new door....

....A new rug....

I have fantastic taste, don't you think? Just let me know if you want some tips.

Posted by blueostrich at 8:43 PM
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Friday, October 6

Now You See It.....

Mr Clean Magic Erasers.... Yeah, they really are magic. I just erased my whole house. Literally. Soap scum in the shower? Gone. Scuff marks on the floor? Not anymore. Fingerprints near the light switches? Adios. It's magic people, magic. Everything is so shiny! You should buy one.

Posted by blueostrich at 1:32 PM
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