Sunday, November 26

Git 'er Done

Do you ever have those days where you feel amazingly, super-humanly productive? Like you could do just about anything, and still have some time left over? Today was one of those days. It was fabulous. Since 9:30 this morning, I have....
  • gone to Meijer for spackle, a gallon of milk, and a Nylabone
  • prepped the mud room for paint (people who caulk their mouldings to the walls are idiots, just in case you were wondering)
  • watched last week's "Top Chef" (does anyone else think that Marcel guy is creepy weird?)
  • put a load of towels in the wash
  • put a coat of "mustard yellow" paint up in the mud room (it's a nicer looking color than it sounds, sort of a warm, goldy shade)
  • figured out how to get Christmas lights up on the roof overhang that I can't reach (it ended up involving a step ladder, gutter hooks, a good deal of acrobatics, and one nasty bruise on my shin)
  • put the Christmas lights up (while wearing shorts.... there was something just a little weird about that)
  • figured out how to rig the Christmas lights to a switch so that I don't have to go outside and unplug them (because I'm lazy)
  • moved the load of towels to the dryer
  • cleaned (no, scoured) the kitchen
  • took the dog for a nice long walk (we've established that I am boss, he didn't even try to eat the dead racoon on the side of the road this time)
  • put a second coat of mustard yellow paint up in the mud room (it possibly needs a third, this is what I get for buying cheap paint)
  • made cupcakes for no reason (white cake, white frosting, cute little colored sprinkles)
  • took the load of towels out of the dryer (finally)
So a productive day. I'm going to sleep good tonight.....

Posted by blueostrich at 9:35 PM
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