Wednesday, November 8


A chipmunk (or a mouse, but I prefer to think of it as a chipmunk) has taken up residency in my car's air filter. He built himself a little nest in there, with chunks of air filter, some feathers, leaves, grass. It was nice and warm and cozy there in the engine compared to the cold cold garage. But he has recently been evicted. And I recently started getting better gas mileage.

I jammed a nail through my nail. I will spare you the gory details, but suffice to say, it hurt. And now I have a hole in my fingernail and I need a tetanus shot.

I went to New Jersey. Thankfully, I was only there for less than 24 hours. Or it was supposed to be less than 24 hours, but Northwest screwed up and I got the honor of sitting in the Newark airport for what felt like 5 days (but was really like 6 hours). Lovely place, Newark. Or something.

Other than that, I've been hand cleaning 150 square feet of tile. Twice. I've taken the concept of dishwater hands to a whole new level. And that's pretty much what I've been doing since I last blogged... And probably is what I'll be doing till I blog again.

Posted by blueostrich at 9:59 PM
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