Sunday, October 16

Weekend Update

I think Susan put it best when she said of Friday's wedding, "I feel like I'm at a play." And now that we've played wedding, we can begin to play house! Look at us playing grown ups!

Stephanie and I enjoyed a nice Sweetest Day date on Saturday. It was good to see her.

I bought a new printer to replace my piece of crap Canon that died after like a year. Or more like 13 months. Just long enough to be out of warranty.

I had to turn on my heat for the first time this year. Last year's record: $240.45. For one measly little person who never warms it up above 68. Oh, how I can't wait for this year's.

SOTD: Radiohead, Exit Music for a Film

Posted by blueostrich at 6:03 PM
Something to say?

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